How do I Submit Citation Refund Supporting Documentation?

Please attach one of the following documents:

  • Proof of payment to issuing agency
    • Bank/Credit card statement showing agency name and amount paid matching the violation fee
    • Copy of a cashed check
    • Receipt from Issuing Agency
  • Proof of a clerical error
  • Proof of whereabouts

Note: We do not accept time cards, work schedules, or screen shots from agency’s website of citation showing zero balance.


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Your Information

Please provide a Primary Contact First Name.

Please provide a Primary Contact Last Name.

Please provide a valid Email Address (Ex:

Please provide a valid Email Address (Ex:

Citation Information

Please provide a valid Citation/Invoice Number.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY

Please provide a valid Citation Issue Date.

Please provide a valid Citation Issue Date.

Additional Information

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