Industry Reports & Insights

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Resources for Brokers/Agents


FREE* Rental Reimbursement CE Course Webinar:

A.D. Banker & Company, the nation’s premier education provider for insurance professionals, provides agents with a thorough understanding of how personal and business auto policies, and their related forms and endorsements, provide rental reimbursement coverage to policyholders after an insured motor vehicle sustains a physical damage loss.

*Course paid for by Enterprise Rent-A-Car.

Webinars are held monthly. Register here and add as your referral source.


Rental Reimbursement White Paper:

Research shows that customer satisfaction jumps from 37% to 77% when rental reimbursement covered the full cost of rental after an accident 1.  Most consumers have saved money on their auto policy this year and look to you, their agent as a trusted advisor. Consider talking to your customer about reinvesting relief savings to add rental coverage to their policy.

For more facts on Rental Reimbursement, download our whitepaper.



 1 2012 J.D. Power Proprietary Rental Reimbursement Study

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Resources for Repair Facilities


ACTION NEEDED: Entegral COVID-19 Shop Profile Enhancements:

Within Entegral's Network Management platform, we've added a "COVID-19 Services" category that includes a list of new questions that we're asking you to complete. The questions pertain to your current operating status (Open/Closed) along with other services that are being offered by each location.

By answering these questions, we believe this is just another way we will all be able to provide our customers with the best and safest collision repair experience possible during these difficult times. This is also a way for you to highlight your unique offerings and any temporary services you have implemented to support your operational needs for an insurance company and OEM sponsors.

Update your profile here. Download our quick user guide for assistance.


NEW: Entegral Resource Library for Repair Facilities

Within Entegral's Network Management platform, we've added a new Collision Industry Resources page, available on the left-hand menu under "Industry Resources."

This simple resource page provides information and links to third-party companies and websites that could be useful for your collision business. It contains information about training and education opportunities, industry trade groups and associations, COVID-19 resources and third-party providers offering workflow and technical solutions.

Log-in to learn more


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 Length of Rental Archive

               Q4 2022

                          Download Canada LOR-  English

                          Download US State & Region LOR

                Q3 2022

                          Download Canada LOR-  English

                          Download US State & Region LOR

                Q2 2022

                          Download Canada LOR-  English

                          Download US State & Region LOR            


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